Woohoo a new day. With more continued good weather, with little wind, no seas and only a 2m swell we decided the correct course for Nashira was to once again hug the coast. After leaving New Harbour we round Cox Bluff, crossing Cox Bight and Red Point. Cox Bight is where Deny King and others from Melaleuca would meet planes that would land on the beach at Cox’s Bight in the 1950’s.
Next is Louisa Bay a wide mouthed bay open to the south west swell. There was a small fishing boat in Anchorage Cove on the western side of the bay which would have been our preferred stop. But wanting solitude we proceeded to go to the eastern side of the Louisa Bay and see if we could tuck in behind Louisa Island but the swell was getting in there and there were large kelp growing up from 12 meters below to just below the surface. They looked like tall trees growing under the water.

[Louisa Bay Above and Island below – it is a foggy hazy day]
So deciding not to stop we continued east along the coast on the northern side of De Witt Island and then in behind Isle Du Golfe which was shaped remarkably like a sleeping grey nurse shark.
As it was so calm and warm here we thought we would get a bit of sunbaking in on the back deck of Nashira while trolling a fishing line at about 5.5 knots. We had not had a bite so far so why would now be any different. Well suffice to say that while relaxing with white bodies reflecting the sun the line started to run out at a terrific pace. Was it a fish or seaweed of which there is plenty floating about.
Stop the yacht. Evan started reeling it in and thought it was going to be seaweed until the line started running again and Nashira was stationery. We had hooked a fish. Now after having almost caught one fish in the last 40 years (last year a kingfish outsmarted Evan in Middle Harbour, Sydney) this was a major milestone to be attempted. After 30 minutes we know we had hooked something substantial and got a glimpse as it came to the surface once although as Kelly was maneuvering Nashira and I had my hands full on the rod we missed getting this part on film. Well after 30 minutes we got it near the surface about 50 meters from Nashira before the line broke. Let’s just say it was HUGE. Pretty sure it was a Tuna of some description.
What an adrenaline buzz. I never thought fishing could be so exhausting. Yes I know all you pros thinking it was only 30 minutes but for a rookie who has not done this before it seemed like a long time.
Anyway that was the only lure I had so we packed the fishing gear away and continued eastward towards South East Cape. Excitement over for the day. We thought we were in for a quiet afternoon what else could possibly disturb our tranquillity when Tas Marine Radio started calling for Nashira. That’s us. Kelly took to the radio and it turned out they knew we were in the area and were asking us to look for a fisherman who had activated his EPIRB with co-ordinates that had him at Point Vivian which was only about 4 miles behind us.
Remember Nashira is a yacht with a cruising speed of 6 knots and pushing it, under motor, we could possibly go a bit over 7 knots. That would take us about 30 minutes to get there. But off we go. Evan spotted a game fishing boat in Surprise Bay just to our north and Kelly mentioned this to Tas Maritime and within a few seconds “Number One” came on the air saying they were just about to put divers down but would assist if it was required. Kelly suggested that their many hundred’s of horsepower would get them to the co-ordinates a lot faster and they agreed, pulled up anchor and roared off.
Nashira followed, with an escort of a serious pod of Dolphins leading the way, in case there was a search required. Trinity another cray fishing boat in the area also came across to assist. Number One was first to the scene, a search helicopter arrived and a flare was set off from the shoreline. The sole fisherman was rescued. His boat had hit a rock and sunk immediately. He was able to row his dinghy to Number One. All safe and well Number One would take him back to Hobart after they completed their dive.
Ok NOW it is time to relax and continue our coastal safari to Recherche Bay. We had no further excitement and dropped anchor in Coalbins Bay off Recherche about 6pm. Phew what an extraordinary day.
Kelly & Evan
Its so exciting what you doing where you going what you’ve seen this is got to be made into a book
Hello Honey! Thank you for the feedback. Let us know how you are doing? busy as?
Wow such drama! Too bad about the fish that got away….it would have been good eating

. The fisherman was lucky and a good reminder to watch out for rocks. You’re so lucky to have smooth waters so you can go close to the shoreline and your photos prove it…..just stunning. So enjoyable for us to share in your adventure. BTW no one has been able to contact MM-L. No report for this month’s CR
Love to you both 
Thank you for traveling with us, we love hearing from you always. We heard about MM-L missing in action. I hope good things for all and not in a glib way but rather trust that things are going to work out the best for everyone including the club.
Hello Evan and Kelly! Andy is here and we are enjoying your “fish story.” Of course it is just fish a story until we see the fish instead of just the bent fishing rod…What fun. Thanks for sharing; you’ll get the next one.