Day 21 – Mt Wellington – Feb 15th 2019

Good Morning!

We have to return the car by 2pm.    What to do this morning?……..   Evan has been working on Nashira putting the lifeline back in place and next we were going to change the headsail for a smaller one for our return trip back to Sydney.

With only a few hours left we decided, instead, to drive up to Mt Wellington.    Never having been there before we checked Google Maps, it advised the trip is only 39 minutes so we took off.  Not far out of Hobart city you start going up.   In the national park the drive gets steeper and the road narrower.   At times the traffic would slow down when a wide vehicle like a bus met a vehicle coming the other direction and all things would go into slow motion.   Going higher and higher the view down into Hobart is spectacular.   Evan driving would look down and I would get nervous looking forward at the road to make sure we didn’t veer off.   At the top the view is breathtaking.   Check these photos out.

The air is so clear you can see our marina and the boats easily yet it is so far away.

We weren’t there long before Evan got a call that our mainsail was ready to be picked up.   Yippee if we drive down now we can collect it and get it to the marina before the car is due back.    We drove down to Doyles’ shop in Battery Point, collected the sail,  stopped at a petrol station on the way to the marina.  I dropped Evan off with the sail at 2pm (time the car is due back) and I took the car back to the city.   I made it there by 2:15pm Phew…..

I slowly made my way back to the marina (buying some needed shoes at Rivers beforehand).  We spent the rest of the day getting ready to fly to Sydney tomorrow.   That meant cleaning, laundry, packing eating dinner and giving Frank all of our food perishables and leftovers that he might make use of.

Tomorrow we head home for a short time.  Evan and I both have work commitments and we have MHYC Cruising Division meetings and Melges races to fit in before returning to Hobart to start the journey home.

I will start updating the blog on our return to Nashira.

xoxoxoxo  Have a wonderful day!!

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