Wow didn’t wake up until 8am!! Woohooo extra sleep!
This morning Evan is already looking for sail repair places and finds Doyles in Battery point.
[Battery Point is named after the battery of guns which were established on the point in 1818 as part of the Hobart coastal defences. It is one of the oldest more prestigious areas with old sandstone buildings and a large number of historic houses from the first European settlement of Hobart town. It is just south of Hobart city and near Sandy Bay.]
By noon Peter and Frank show up at Nashira to help us getting the main sail off, folded, bagged and tagged ready to take to Doyle’s. Doyles’ will do a full service and get it back to us sometime after the Wooden Boa Festival is finished.
All four of us uber’d to Doyle’s then walked into town, once we were able to get Frank out of the chandlery. Our backpack loaded with new purchases. (smile)
Walking to Hobart our first planned stop is to find a place that sells scallop pies. (and a street called Kelly of course!)
Then on to the next big toy store, Peter Johnson chandlery, to buy other needed (uuhem.. or wanted) items. Peter was the only one to walk away having not spent any money. Good on you Cobber!!
We walked all around the harbour checking out the local charm and boats that are arriving for the festival.
visiting several pubs and eating establishments, as you do,

before having a hearty dinner at the Irish Pub then jumping in a taxi and heading back to our homes on the water.
It was good to get out and walk today. Legs really needed the exercise. That is something I would like to mention. I notice that our core muscles get a good work out sailing. They are need just to hold you upright in all conditions but legs on the other hand don’t do very much. A bit of up and down stairs at watch changes or get this or that when needed but that’s all. So getting to land feel great to use the leg muscles again.
In bed by 10pm and ready for another good night sleep.
Yum scallop pies and whisky tasting that sounds much more civilized than battling the elements.Julia xxx
But battling the elements makes one appreciate the civilized things just a bit more! xoxox