Hi there – Here’s the plan for getting back to Sydney. Firstly we won’t do the head-wind thing again, that was awful. Right now the wind is blowing N, tonight at about 9:30 pm it is predicted to shift W then S by midnight so we are going to keep watching the wind and as soon as it really changes to a Westerly we will be on our way. We should have a clear 24 hours to get to Jervis Bay which should, if all goes okay, get us there in plenty of time. We are planning on heading to Hole-in-the-wall, Jervis Bay if it is still blowing a southerly then sail to Long Beach when the wind changes to the north again. Thursday is supposed to be a pumping 30+ knot Northerly so we will hang tight in Jervis Bay until that passes.
That is the plan!

[Young Endeavor moving to west side of Two-fold bay to shelter from weather front]
Today we tied up at the Snug Cove Bay Wharf and refueled, re-watered and washed Nashira down with nice clean water. I went into town to get a few more food items (and Travacalm!) and Evan picked up some lubricant and worked on the steering again as it was sounding grindy as we came into Eden.
All good we pushed off the wharf and dropped anchor in the bay. Since we will be sailing at night we decided to eat a big BBQ meal of lamb chops and eggs now.
I also have a green curry chicken cooking in the dreampot for the middle of the night. Then rest, chill, get some sleep so that tonight is an easy sail.
Unfortunately our BBQ takes a long, long, long time to cook so Evan is patiently waiting. Eventually I get the call, “Cook the Eggs!” yeehaw! Finally Breakfast/Lunch is ready and it was worth the wait, it is yum!
Once that is done and dishes washed I start the chicken curry in the dreampot and cut up carrots and celery for snacks. The curry will be ready about midnight and will last a few meals. Brilliant, no more food prep needed.
Now the relax and complete any last minute forgotten chores like lift the dinghy up onto the boat.
We realised you haven’t seen the inside of Nashira so we took some photos so you can see what our living space has been like for the past 8 weeks.
[From Galley looking into Dining area you can see doorway to V-birth in left photo]
[left: V-birth nicely packed for return trip, right: Navigation table]
[left: standing at V-birth looking at Galley, right: my office for today at the back of Nashira]
[Guard bunny in Office! Thank you Bexy]
Okay I will let you know how we went when we reach Jervis Bay. Fingers crossed the weather is polite.
xoxoxoxo Kelly & Evan
Hello K & E…..I wrote you a long message a few days ago but I had to pause to make dinner and it disappeared I think. It contained info about the CD meeting last Monday and who knows what else! Nikki has been here for two weeks (left yesterday 😥) so I’ve been busy. We got Noel out on the RIB to check out Sanctum and he was so happy! He said it looked like we had just left her the day prior. It was a rare sunny morning so we cruised around to Castle Rock in the RIB and Noel said it was the best medicine and he felt normal! Of course he was knackered when he got home. Michael M-L was at the meeting like nothing was out of he ordinary. He said he was happy to fill out his term but won’t be standing again. Alex (Bloodhound) showed short drone video of his boat in a twilight race in Middle Harbour….very good…it was done professionally. The gal who spoke about racing around the world was good. She had a strong French accent but it was interesting to see how you can buy onto a boat to do legs…..very expensive though. We can’t wait to see you back home….in one piece! Your trip has been fabulous and your blog makes it seem like we are almost there with you. You have had great weather and taken advantage of it. Smooth seas on your last leg home. ❤🥂🍾⛵️
HI J & N, Thank you for the update on the CD and especially on Noel, Fantastic that you had a day on the water and that it made him feel normal! just great! I bet it was fantastic having Nikki around too. We have been so grateful for the mostly good weather and good weather prediction tools. Looking forward to catching up in person with rounds of big hugs. xoxo
Kelly & Evan,
I am a late comer to your website and have, over the last few days caught up with your adventure. Boy oh boy, have you had some fun and, as they say, interesting times. Your collective words are so real in their description of your experiences. I wanted to be there with you and felt I was.
Having been in some of the same places recently I can appreciate the beauty but you have gone further than we could have in our time and weather window available to us, particularly Port Davey.
I especially appreciate the practical tips about food preparation and enjoyment, gear repairs, which airline for certain flights, where not to go, the value of meeting other cruisers on the journey etc.
Just received notification from Marine Traffic as at 19:30 that you have departed Eden, homeward bound!
Safe sailing.
Hello Mike! great to hear from you. Thank you for the comments on the blog, it has been fun to write. Hoping too that some of tips might help another feels good. We are in Jervis Bay now taking advantage of a bit of downtime while waiting on weather. 😀 Hope all is going well on your side of the planet and that you and yours are happy, safe and feeling the love.