Big Update – This is a note from the future! We have finally returned from Port Davey and it was Incredible, fascinating, wild and such an adventure. Now I am going to update the blog with each day and photos starting here.
Going back in time to day 25. We did make it to Recherche Bay from Randalls Bay and anchored at the south end of Rocky Bay.
Thinking this is going to be our first taste of wilderness was a laugh. We rowed the dinghy ashore and found a trail which led to some buildings we thought we would check out. What did we run into? Lots of lots of people camping. Car camping, tent camping. Good grief not very wilderness at all and so not what I was expecting. LOL
We hiked to a very nice bronze sculpture of an infant southern right whale at Cockle Creek. Found out why they are called Right whales (not a happy story). and took a photo of Nashira in the water with many other boats, several waiting for the weather window to cross to Port Davey.
Back on Nashira we check and double check the weather and our planned route for tomorrow morning. Then off to bed a little anxious and excited.