Thought it might be a good idea to post an early morning blog as we are not sure when we will have good reception next. We have left Eden at 5:30am logging on with Marine Rescue Eden for our Bass Strait voyage. The wind is currently S at about 0 knots (well maybe 1 or 2 knots, not kidding)

Marine rescue Eden have been a pleasure to deal with. They are very relaxed and very helpful and have advised us that they will be passing our details onto ‘Tas Maritime Radio’. Which by the way has a new repeater at Flinder Island so we will be able to radio Tas Maritime directly when we reach Babel Island.
Our goal is to get to Babel island by 6pm tomorrow night, which will be February 2nd. If the weather is great and we are managing to get enough sleep and are happy with how things are going we may decide not to stop at Babel and go directly onto Wineglass Bay. That is a 56 hour trip for us so we will play it by ear.
Hey, this morning we have seen dolphin and a seal feeding! Totally cool.
We have just past Green Cape Lighthouse, this is the drop off point of NSW where the ‘Sydney to Hobart’ race yachts head South. We will hug the east coast of Aus a little longer until we get near Gabo Island.

Okay, talk to you later on the Tasmanian side of the planet
Kelly and Evan
Fabulous to read of your adventures so far, and to know you are in Bass Strait and all is going well with the “usual” adventures (I picked up a fishing line once in Jervis Bay also although mine came with floats as well).
All the best and enjoy Wineglass Bay when you get there! Love your blog.
Looks like its’s all smooth sailing at the moment. Hope it continues. Really enjoying your adventure even if it is vicariously. Hope the cake is still good.
The cake is still great!! It has sure been nice to have when conditions make it difficult in the Galley.
Love your blog. Love the photos. Have a wow time. Thinking of you!
Hi Kelly and Evan,
The new link worked. The photos are excellent .
It looks like your having a fantastic adventure. Here’s wishing you smooth sailing.
Thank you Stan! Wonderful to hear from you
You know you’ve become proper mariners when you refer to dolphins and seals in the singular tense. Much bird about?
Take care guys